Emotional Intelligence Disguised in A Card Game
Help your family share their feelings and frustrations in a healthy, constructive way that builds trust, boosts confidence, and improves valuable communication skills. AND let's laugh like crazy while we do it.
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3 Emotional Management Tools for Families

Play the hottest game of the Year! Emotion Commotion
Hilarious family game. The best gift for the Teacher of the year. Crazy office party ice-breaker. Perfect stocking stuffer. Never the same game twice. The game designed to teach emotional intelligence all sneaky like.
Who LOVES this Game?
Families. Best family game ever! Your kids may need a timer because they won't stop playing. It's happened. And it's a game EVERY age likes to play together. Teachers. It's been used as a reward at the end of class. They'll ask to play all the time, fair warning. Business people. For 2 hours, sometimes. Playing Emotion Commotion turns a room full of strangers into BFF's. You're welcome. Drama class. Great practice exploring a variety of emotions. Young adults. Favorite hang out game. Best date night game. Playing the game is a blast, but the conversations it starts are Amazing! School counselors. They know just what to do with this game to help our kids. BLESS them!
Who is this Game for?
Emotion Commotion is designed to be a family fun game for anyone age 5 and up. The game was created to inspire communication for all ages as they learn to understand and manage their emotions.

Emma McAdam from "Therapy in a Nutshell" loves the game.
Buy Emotion Commotion NowHow to Play
What do you learn as you play?
Emotion Commotion Changes Lives

Michelle - Mom of 4
"It was fun seeing my kids act out the emotions in their own way and even more fun for them to be able to guess the emotion I was portraying. I was surprised that they weren't shy or hesitant to act it out. I think because it's a card game it made it easier to act and feel the emotions."

Lisa - Mom of 4
"We just played emotion commotion as a family. This is truly a brilliant game! This needs to be in every school classroom, therapist ofice, theater class, youth treatment facility, teenage hangout spot, and home! Not kidding, it's brilliant! Even the littles could do it! I love how it teaches you to practice expressing and recognizing your
emotion and also helps you practice reading other people's emotion."

Rebecca - Mom of 3
“This game is an amazing tool to
connect our family together and
recognize how we each individually
interpret and handle our emotions. I
learned so much about my kids after just 30 minutes of playing this game.”
The Solution To The Confusion
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